Act Sat Conversion Chart. It might be helpful to take real practice tests first and see which one youre testing better in. Is there a way to convert SAT scores to ACT scores and vice versa.

ACT is scored on a range of 1 - 36 and SAT is scored on 400 - 1600. Input your ACT score to see how well you might do on the SAT. Our ACT to SAT conversion chart can also show you if your tests are in the same percentile.
Input your ACT score to see how well you might do on the SAT.
Getting one additional question correct on an ACT sub-test is not the same as forty scaled SAT points. ACT is 1 36 and SAT is 400 1600. These tables provide a handy and up-to-date reference for converting your scores. To convert your SAT score to the ACT scale or the other way around youll need to refer to the official concordance charts produced by the CollegeBoard.