Amino Acid Code Chart. Glutamine or glutamic acid. Asparagine or aspartic acid.

Second Position First Position Third Position T C A G T C A G TTT TTC TTA TTG TCT TCC TCA TCG TAT TAC TAA TAG TGT TGC TGA TGG CTT CTC CTA CTG CCT CCC CCA CCG CAT CAC CAA CAG CGT CGC CGA CGG ATT ATC ATA ATG ACT ACC ACA ACG AAT AAC AAA AAG AGT AGC AGA AGG GTT. In doublet- 2 nucleotide code per amino acid it can able to make only 16 possible combinations for 20 different amino acids. The codes are universal irrespective of the type of organism ie.
Amino acids with the structure NH 3CXYCO 3 such as β-alanine a component of carnosine and a few other peptides are β-amino acids.
Amino acid reference chart contains the twenty amino acids found in eukaryotes grouped according to their side chains and charge. Second Position First Position Third Position T C A G T C A G TTT TTC TTA TTG TCT TCC TCA TCG TAT TAC TAA TAG TGT TGC TGA TGG CTT CTC CTA CTG CCT CCC CCA CCG CAT CAC CAA CAG CGT CGC CGA CGG ATT ATC ATA ATG ACT ACC ACA ACG AAT AAC AAA AAG AGT AGC AGA AGG GTT. There are 20 naturally occurring. And as we know that codes cant overlap doublet codon theory cant be possible to code for all 20 amino acids.