Belfast Maine Tide Chart. The tide is currently falling in Belfast. Then scroll to the bottom of this page.

Belfast Penobscot Bay - - - Gross Point Eastern Channel - Isle Au Haut - North Haven - Pulpit Harbor North Haven Island - - Sandy Point - Stonington Deer Isle Penobscot Bay -. About Us Find Us Contact Us Find Our Beer Wholesale Store. Wednesday 1 December 2021 1039pm EST GMT -0500.
The red flashing dot shows the tide time right now.
Time format 12-hour 24-hour 12-hour ampm 24-hour. Last Spring High Tide at Bangor was on Tue 21 Dec height. The first low tide will be at 836 am and the next low tide at 907 pm. Bangor tide chart keyThe tide chart above shows the height and times of high tide and low tide for Bangor Maine.