Calvinism Vs Arminianism Chart. It also explains the rise of Gnosticism denominationalism and just about every modern non-essential doctrinal dispute in the church. Though morally hurt by sin in Eden man has a free will to choose to obey or disobey God.

Total Depravity Because of the Fall man has inherited a corrupted depraved nature. The Five Points of Arminianism. Free Will or Human Ability Although human nature was seriously affected by the fall man has not been left in a state of total spiritual helplessness.
2 This belief teaches the total inability of man namely that man is so fallen and corrupt by sin that he cannot even choose to be saved or conjure up the desire to be saved. The Five Points of Calvinism also known as the acronym TULIP. Home Audio Sermons 2017 Calvinism Arminianism and the Truth. An Interpretive Outline pp144-147.