Carbohydrate Food List Chart. A diabetic diet is a low-carb diet so a diabetic carbohydrate chart will obviously contain low carb foods only. Chicory Greens 6 grams per ½ cup.

Carbohydrate Food List Combination foods. The Glycemic Index GI chart shows how much and how quickly a carbohydrate-containing food raises your blood-sugar levels. In order to manage your personal carb chart consumption you need a food journal and table of a nutritions table on the side of the daily notes.
Zero-glycemic foodsthose without carbohydratesinclude items like meats fish and oils.
18 part of 9 60. Non-starchy Vegetables1 serving 5 grams carbohydrate. Before taking notes the most important thing is that you need to read the labels of a carb chart for foods written on it. Carbohydrates are found in grains fruits and vegetables and milk and provide energy vitamins minerals and fiber.