Chicken Egg Color Chart. 10 Females to 1 Male. Tinted or off white color eggs are laid by Dorkings Fayoumi La Fleche Faverolles and Lakenvelders.

They have slate-colored legs with a pinkish to grayish beak that darkens as they age. Chicken Egg Color Chart Breed Specific. Eggs Pets Show.
180-240 eggs per year.
Tinted or off white color eggs are laid by Dorkings Fayoumi La Fleche Faverolles and Lakenvelders. Although all eggs start out with white shells the blue or brown dye or both applied to the shells of some breeds results in eggs that come in almost all the hues of the rainbow. Welsummers Barnevelders Penedesencas and Marans are all brown egg layers. This is especially true of the dark brown egg laying breeds many of which disappointingly will lay much lighter shades than listed.