Chore Chart By Age. Throw dirty laundry in hamper. Choose the days outfit and get dressed with minimal help Make their beds with minimal help Bring their busy bags or backpacks in from the car.

Children ages 4-5 should be able to do everything on the above list as well as the following age-appropriate chores. Pick up toys and put them back in their storage place. Lots of toddlers love to see a visual reminder of their success so making sticker charts is a great choice.
By the time kids get to age 7-9 a number of more chores are added that require a bit more detail.
Some children might be ready for added responsibility earlier and some may not be able to handle specific tasks until they are older more mature and better coordinated developed. Here are chores lists for kids in the following age groups. Pick up toys and put them back in their storage place. Chores for children ages 9 months 24 months.