D&d Xp Chart. When a characters total XP equals or exceeds the amount needed for the next level the character gains a level. Normal start plus two uncommon magic items and 5000 1d10x250 gp.

View User Profile View Posts Send Message Disciple. So if you are a Cleric 6fighter 1 you must gain enough XP to reach 8th level before you can take your second level as a Fighter or your seventh level as a Cleric. 21 rows Level Base Save Bonus Good Base Save Bonus Poor Base Attack Bonus Good.
21 rows Leveling Up.
22 rows There is an odd skewing of XP from 10th to 11th level as though 10th level were the. To download the PDF of my entire DD Trap Collection sign up to my newsletter using the form below. The 2nd sheet in the doc justifies the ratios between the encounters. In the DMG the Creating Encounters section in Chapter 3.