Egg Chart Pokemon Go. CP 417 - 457 Litleo. Illumise Gen 3 - Tier 2 rarity.

Illumise Gen 3 - Tier 2 rarity. CP 433 - 473 Bellsprout. CP 761 - 814 Spritzee.
CP 543 - 590 Swinub.
- 7km Eggs include data from Part 2 of the Holidays 2021 event. If youre looking to work through your backlog of eggs then you can find the most up-to-date information on which Pokemon will pop out of 2km 5km 7km or 10km eggs. CP 433 - 473 Bellsprout. But now its time to see what Pokémon we can get right now by incubating Pokemon Go eggs.