Fountas And Pinnell Chart. This assessment helps determine at which reading level to start the Reading Record Assessment. The goal of guided reading is to bring the child to the level of complex texts appropriate for the grade in doing so teaching must begin with.

It is a reliable well researched reading assessment tool. By Irene Fountas Lesley University Gay Su Pinnell The Ohio State University. Fountas and Pinnells goal is to support the childs development of self-initiating actions he will be able to apply to a range of texts of similar difficulty.
Many publishers provide correlation charts to connect their assessment systems with.
Hang this helpful Alphabet Linking Chart in your classroom as a tool for supporting childrens learning of letter names in uppercase and lower case forms the related initial sounds and letter formation. With daily teaching the teacher helps the child climb the ladder of text difficulty with success. Use Fountas. The Fountas Pinnell Benchmark Assessment Systems BAS provide teachers with precise tools and texts to observe and.