Fountas And Pinnell Level Chart. The goal of guided reading is to bring the child to the level of complex texts appropriate for the grade in doing so teaching must begin with. Recommended grade Fountas and Pinnell level K A B C D 1 E F G H I J 2 K.

This correlation chart illustrates how Learning A-Z levels approximately correlate to other leveling systems commonly found in leveled reading materials. This table was not produced from any empirical studies of alignment across reading level systems. The goal of guided reading is to bring the child to the level of complex texts appropriate for the grade in doing so teaching must begin with.
Educators should treat this chart only as a guide and not as a definitive source for exact correlations.
DRA Fountas Pinnell Guided Reading Level Correlation Grade Level DRA Fountas Pinnell Book Label Kindergarten A Preconventional smiley face 1 A yellow circle 2 yellow circleB 3 C green square 4 D green star First Grade 6 8 E green arrow 10 F blue triangle 12 G blue triangle 14 H blue rectangle 16 I blue rectangle 18 J blue rectangle Second Grade 20 K red. Why Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System. Needs Intensive Intervention KEY The Instructional Level Expectations for Reading chart is intended to provide general guidelines for grade-level goals which should be adjusted based on schooldistrict. Fountas Pinnell reading levels commonly referred to as Fountas Pinnell are a system of reading levels developed by Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell to support their guided reading method.