Glasgow Coma Scale Chart. The Glasgow coma scale GCS is a tool used to assess and calculate a patients level of consciousness. The experience gained since it was first described in 1974 has advanced the assessment of the Scale through the development of a modern.

If you are a General Nurse doing the Adult NMC OSCE exam you will need to know how to chart the GCS correctly in your Assessment station. 7 rows The Glasgow Coma Scale Chart shows how a patient is assessed against the eye. Spoken or shouted request Physical.
See table below for the particulars of the MGCS.
Do it this way RATE For factors Interfering with communication ability to respond and other injuries Eye opening content of speech and movements of right and left sides Sound. Out of these only about 15 are clinically valid and useful in the assessment of altered consciousness. The Glasgow Coma Scale provides a practical method for assessment of impairment of conscious level in response to defined stimuli. Glasgow Coma Scale Eye Opening Response Spontaneous--open with blinking at baseline 4 points To verbal stimuli command speech 3 points To pain only not applied to face 2 points No response 1 point Verbal Response Oriented 5 points Confused conversation but able to answer questions 4 points Inappropriate words 3 points.