Globe Life Park Seating Chart. Globe Life Park in Arlington formerly Rangers Ballpark in ArlingtonAmeriquest Field has been home to the Texas Rangers since 1994. As many fans will attest to globe life field is known to be one of the best places to catch live entertainment around town.

100-level end sections include 116. See the view from your seat at globe life field. Linear park mark holtz lake sheraton arlington e randol mill rd e randol mill rd e randol mill rd e randol mill rd y treet wns rd ballpark way gic mile att way pennant drive nolan ryan expressway att way y convention center drive nolan ryan expressway north lawn e road to six flags e road to six flags gs e copeland road mark holtz lake c h a p ma n c u t o f f a t t w a y s t a d i u m d r.
Globe Life Park is a top-notch venue located in Arlington TX.
100-level center sections include 112-115. View the seating chart at globe life field. As many fans will attest to Globe Life Park is known to be one of the best. Along the 1st base line.