Glycemic Index Chart Pdf. LOW Glycemic Index Food Chart Yogurt low-fat sweetened 14 Peanuts 15 Artichoke 15 Asparagus 15 Broccoli 15 Cauliflower 15 Celery 15 Cucumber 15 Eggplant 15 Green beans 15 Lettuce all varieties 15 Low-fat yogurt artificially sweetened 15 Peppers all varieties 15 Snow peas 15 Spinach 15 Young summer squash 15 Tomatoes 15 Zucchini 15 Soya beans boiled 16. It is known that low glycemic index foods are good to prevent the sugar spike.

The glycemic index GI is a scale that ranks a carbohydrate-containing food or drink by how much it raises blood sugar levels after it is eaten or drank. Foods with higher glycemic index values are at the top of the table while foods with lower glycemic index values are at the end of the table. FOOD Glycemic index glucose 100 Serving size grams Glycemic load per serving BAKERY.
A list of carbohydrates with their glycemic values is shown below.
International tables of glycemic index and glycemic load values. Although GI index is helpful to meal planning. Low GI 55 or less Medium GI 56-69 High GI 70 or more Apple Apricots Cantaloupe Blueberries wild Banana Watermelon. 8 3 28 CheeriosTM General Mills breakfast cereal 1cup 1oz 74 2 23 Cherries 10 large 3 ozs.