High Fiber Foods Chart. These vitamin bombs are also a great ingredient to kick-start your day. In regards to fiber content there are three types of foods.

Food Bread 2 slices 35 Wholemeal 2 slices 25 Brown 2 slices 23 Granary 2 slices 13 White Breakfast cereal Average small bowl 72 All-bran Average small bowl 23 Porridge Average small bowl 34 Mini Shredded Wheat Average small bowl 26 Bran Flakes Average small bowl 20 Sultana Bran. This is why it is important to have some fruits and green vegetables on a daily basis. White bread pasta and processed foods are very low in fiber.
These vitamin bombs are also a great ingredient to kick-start your day.
Highest Fiber Food Chart. These foods are lower in calories fat and preservatives. 42 rows FIBER IN FOODS CHART Vegetables Serving size Fiber grams per serving Artichoke boiled 1. Highest Fiber Food Chart.