Map Testing Scores Chart. Together with other classroom-based information MAP results can help teachers make instructional decisions that match the needs of each child. They are designed to reveal the precise learning level of each student in Reading and Math.

Although it is possible to score as high as 265 or more on the reading test and 285 or more on the math test 240 reading and 250 math are typical top scores. This is a growth chart to show how much he or she has. This relationship supports constructing norms for fair evaluation of both achievement and growth.
MAPs unique quality lies in its measuring of students personal academic progress.
They are mean scores. The 2020 NWEA MAP Growth norms can provide one source of context. It is important to understand that the MAP assessment is one assessment at one point in time. MAP testing scores chart a students academic growth in a manner that is easy for both parents and teachers to understand.