Metric To Standard Conversion Chart. Convert 500 millimeters to inches. IPhone Android app Metric.

The following charts are for US measurements. Here you will find a range of Metric to Standard Conversion charts. The metric system was introduced in France in the year 1790.
1 cubic inch 1638706 cubic centimeters.
This metric to standard conversion chart will give you the accurate measurement for the particularly given bolt. METRIC IMPERIAL UNIT CONVERSION TABLE LINEAR MEASURE LENGTHDISTANCE IMPERIAL METRIC 1 inch 254 millimetres 1 foot 12 inches 03048 metre 1 yard 3 feet 09144 metre 1 statute mile 1760 yards 16093 kilometres 1 nautical mile 1150779 miles 1852 kilometres SQUARE MEASURE AREA IMPERIAL METRIC 1 square inch 64516 sq. Metric Conversion Chart. We all have a mix of wrenches in.