Mohs Scale Of Hardness Chart. Can be scratched easily with a fingernail. Recommended For You Evidence for a Geologic Trigger of the Cambrian Explosion.

119 rows Element Mohs Hardness 1. This chart compares the hardness of index minerals of. The principle behind the Mohs hardness scale is that between two minerals the harder one can be used to produce a scratch mark on the surface of the softer one while the softer mineral will not be.
Recommended For You Evidence for a Geologic Trigger of the Cambrian Explosion.
2 Gypsum Plaster of paris. These reference minerals are 10 and they can be found on the following chart. 60 - 65 Mohs. MOHS HARDNESS SCALE Wax 02 Graphite 05-09 5 APATITE Asbestos 5 Manganese 50 Steel 5-55 Hornblende 55 Stainless Steel 55-63 6 ORTHOCLASE Feldspar 6 Hematite 6 Magnetite 6 Pumice 6 Pyrite 63 Agate 65-7 Garnet 65-75 7 QUARTZ Flint 7 Silicon 70 Tourmaline 73 Emery 7-9 Beryl 78.