Palace Of The Dead Exp Chart. 518400 exp per run need 1094400 exp32111 runs 54-55. You can begin the Palace of the Dead quest line by speaking to Nojiro Marujiro at X 12 Y 13 in New Gridania.

432000 exp per run need 864000 exp2 runs exactly 51-52. Palace of the Dead PotD is basically an instanced dungeon in which a solo player or group of players descend through the floors of dungeon 10 floors at a time. This tool assumes that you are leveling exclusively through Palace of the Deat and Heaven-on-High and that you are running Palace of the Dead Floors 51-60 when below level 61 and.
SelfPedigree-Hybrid submitted 4 years ago by.
Leveling up in the palace only gives you levels in the palace if your level 70 and enter the palace of the dead you will be level 1 again You misunderstood what OP was asking he does not have level 70 therefore he will get exp for doing Potd. Palace of the Dead will reward you a heavy amount. Your character has Aetherpool weapons and armor which along with experience is completely separate from your actual character. Players can enter Heaven-on-High by speaking with Kyusei in Crick in the Ruby Sea.