Pie Chart Of Federal Spending. Spending Details Spending in Percent GDP Spending per Capita Spending Change Total Spending Pie Chart Federal Spending Pie Chart State Spending Pie Chart Local Spending Pie Chart Welfare Spending Defense Spending Pension Spending Health Care Spending Education Spending. The Federal Budget in Fiscal Year 2020.

Written by Kupis on May 17 2020 in Chart. Data from OMB Historical Tables. Spending Details Spending in Percent GDP Spending per Capita Spending Change Total Spending Pie Chart Federal Spending Pie Chart State Spending Pie Chart Local Spending Pie Chart Welfare Spending Defense Spending Pension Spending Health Care Spending Education Spending.
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This is a distortion of how our income tax dollars are spent be-cause it includes Trust Funds eg Social Se-curity and most of the past military spend-ing is not distinguished from nonmilitary spending. You can create a pie chart for federal state and local and overall revenue. Government Spending Pie Chart 2020. The pie chart right is the government view of the budget.