Potty Training Reward Chart. You select the background clipart and you can edit the text. Free Baby Shark Potty Chart.

Charts provide a sense of self-awareness as well as control and they demonstrate that there is a right way to go potty and a wrong way to go potty. Each time your child is successful either give him or her a sticker or cut out and paste a star in the appropriate place. Essentially you put your toddler on the toilet every hour on the hour from the time they wake until bedtime.
It only takes a few minutes to create and you can make the chart together with your child.
At the end of every day average out the days toilet success with the face in the far-right column. Free printable potty training reward chart. However as she began to work her way to the bottom of her MM jar I had the idea to create this fun reward chart for potty training. 2013-10-24 213500 3306.