Powder Burn Rate Chart. These powder burn chart templates have been created by experts for making an appropriate rate chart for the chemical reaction. It shows a comparison between Winchester Hodgdon IMR Accurate Alliant VihtaVuori Ramshot and Norma powders.

1 Norma R-1 2 Vihtavuori N-310 3 Hodgdon Titewad 4 ADI AS-30N 5 Accurate Nitro 100 6 Alliant Bullseye 7 Accurate Solo 1000. Burn rate charts can never reflect the differences between powders in the correct proportion. The powders below are listed in the order of their approximate burning rate from the quickest powder to the slowest.
This page shows a powder burning rate chart.
Of difference of a slower to the faster. Starting at number 1 that powder will have the fastest burn rate and the ending number powder will have the slowest burn rate. Powder Burning Rate Chart. Moreover designed by scientists on true facts.