Presidential Vacation Days Comparison Chart. Adding in Camp David visits would bring Obamas total to date to 223 thats 83 days at Camp David and Bushs total for his entire time in office to 1024 491 days at the presidential retreat. According to Knoller Carter spent just 19 days on vacation in 1977.

Obama has spent 185 days abroad one fewer than Bush through his 87th month and three fewer weeks than President Clinton 206 days. 8 the day before Obama left for Marthas Vineyard Knoller tweeted that Obama had spent 125 full or partial days on vacation and at the same point in Bushs presidency he had spent 381. Most of that time Knoller says the former president spent at his home in Plains Ga.
Still much is made of these presidential vacation days and how to count.
Still much is made of these presidential vacation days and how to count. So far President Obama has taken 61 vacation days after 31 months in office. 13 2013 Obama is on his 15th vacation trip covering all or part of 96 days total. President Obama Has Now Taken the Second Most Trips Abroad while in Office.