Presidential Vacation Spending Comparison Chart. Think Progress has a great chart showing the difference between government spending when Obama first came to office and spending now. H A W K I N S.

Another telling comparison is how the approval ratings through 100 days of all three presidents stack up. Bush had taken a whopping 405 vacation days. For comparisons sake President Bill Clintons total is 174 days and Reagan hit 390 349 at his ranch and 41 in Palm Springs according to Knoller.
8 the day before Obama left for Marthas Vineyard Knoller tweeted that Obama had spent 125 full or partial days on vacation and at the same point in Bushs presidency he had spent 381.
A new chart by the Comeback America Initiative CAI a non-partisan group dedicated to. 16 But his total budget deficits totaled 6781 trillion. A lot more. For example 8588 trillion was added to the national debt under President Obama.