Road Signs And Meanings Chart. Official MUTCD compliant road symbols alert drivers to prohibitions changing road conditions and potential hazards. Low Prices on all.

Free delivery on qualified orders. Traffic signs used including signs giving orders warning signs direction signs information signs and road works signs. 37 rows There are various road traffic images with different meaning.
Aluminum Traffic Symbols that Last.
Cautionary signs Right hand Left hand curvecurve Right hand pin bend Left hand pin bend Right reverse bend Narrow bridge Gap in median Cycle crossing Pedestrian crossing School Men at work Roundabout Narrow road Road widens Side road left Side road right. Road signs play a huge role in making Ireland a country with safe roads. Name and number of each sign. Although The Highway Code shows many of the signs commonly in use a comprehensive explanation of our signing system is given in the Department for Transports booklet Know Your Traffic Signs which is on sale at booksellers.