Starship Size Comparison Chart. There are several videos circulating showing a comparison of the largest stars. Put together by German artist Dirk Löchel the huge 4268 x 5690 pixel graphic features ships from popular science fiction movies TV shows and video games from the past 40 years including.

Star Citizen Scale Comparison Swashbuckler Edition 2019 03 23 Fullsize Image In Comments R Starcitizen. Star Size Comparison Chart. I posted an earlier version of his design in 2013 here which was hugely popular.
Ship Size Comparison Ship Scale 3 0 Star Citizen Spaceship Art Starship Concept.
Star Citizen And Squadron 42 News Star Citizen Updated Ship Size Comparison Chart. Get answers from your peers along with millions of IT pros who visit Spiceworks. This is an unofficial Star Citizen fansite not affiliated with the Cloud Imperium group. For 40K I now used the updated Rogue Trader sizes where applicable resulting in much larger 40K vessels.