Urinalysis Normal Values Chart. 12 16 gdL. Normal values chart for hemoglobin count.

Urine Albumin-creatinine ratio less than 30 mgg Calcium 100-300 mg24 h 25-75 mmol24 h on unrestricted diet Creatinine 15-25 mgkg per 24 h 133-221 mmolkg per 24 h Glomerular filtration rate GFR Normal Male 130 mLmin173 m2 Female 120 mLmin173 m2 Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease. Normal values are 08hpf for voided sample 05hpf for catheterized sample and 03hpf for cystocentesis sample. Concentration of urine or urine-specific gravity that falls between 1002 and 1035 for random sample is considered normal.
Numbers of WBC are reported per high power field hpf.
0 1 per hpf Presence indicates damage to urinary tract eg infection physical trauma etc Bacteria. The urine is usually slightly acidic about pH 6 but can range from 45-8. ñ ngmL Carotene serum ó ñ ì ì μgdL Catecholamines plasma Dopamine ì pgmL Epinephrine Supine ì. Normal values chart for hemoglobin count.