Weight And Height Chart. 4 6 137 cm 6377 lb 285349 kg 6377 lb 285349 kg 4 7 140 cm 6883 lb 308376 kg 6884 lb 308381 kg 4 8 142 cm 7288 lb 326399 kg 7490 lb 335408 kg 4 9 145 cm 7794 lb 349426 kg 7997 lb 358439 kg 4 10 147 cm 8199 lb 364449 kg 85103 lb 385467 kg 4 11. Average height and weight chart of Indian boys and Girls at different ages from Birth to 18 years.

IAP Girls Height Weight chart 5-18 years. View a larger version of the heightweight chart PDF 111Mb This heightweight chart is only suitable for adult men and women. 141 lb 64 kg 242 Inches 614 cm 4 mth.
21 lbs 3 oz 96 kg 22 lbs 11 oz 103 kg 18 months.
View a larger version of the heightweight chart PDF 111Mb This heightweight chart is only suitable for adult men and women. 31 ¾ inches 807 cm 32 ½ inches 823 cm 18 months. Charts below are derived from the guidelines and growth charts provided by Centers. Information and advice for adults and children about healthy weight including how to find out if youre a healthy weight.