Average Walking Speed By Age Chart. The average running speed per mile in a 5K 5-kilometer or 31-mile race is below. Average Walking Speed By Age Chart.

In a nutshell less educated 70-year-olds walked on average at the same pace as more highly educated individuals who were 65-9 years older. Cohort B contributed to the design of the walking asymmetry metric by wearing a single-sided knee brace to simulate asymmetric. Average walking speed by age.
Daily walking speed across all participants ranged from 103 ms up to 207 ms with a median walking speed of 125 ms in the open dataset.
Apparently healthy men N 77 and women N 79 age 50-79 years participated. 282 mph 454 kmh. Both gait speed measures were reliable coefficients or 0903 and correlated significantly with age. Pedometer steps were validated on all Cohort A participants.