Cbd Vs Thc Chart. CBD Lotion CBD Skin Care CBD Topical THC lotion Difference between CBD and THC. Whereas hemp plants contain a small percent less than 1 of THC marijuana plants contain high concentrations of THC.

CBD and THC are two of more than 120 naturally occurring cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. The seeds of the hemp plant dont naturally include either THC or CBD although they sometimes can turn into contaminated by trace quantities throughout processing. THC is best known for its psychoactive side effects which include anxiety paranoia euphoria and impaired memory and reaction time.
CBD is a nonpsychoactive component of marijuana that has uses in treating several conditions.
Whereas THC can make. Youll receive the benefits of the CBD with low amounts of THC. Examples of products that have this type of ratio are. A group of natural compounds that can interact with the bodys cannabinoid receptors.