Old Testament Sacrifices Chart. The sacrifices and the ceremonial days are covered. 1 - Voluntary To make payment for sins in general Showed a persons devotion to God Christs Death was the perfect offering GRAIN OFFERING Lev.

8 rows see the chart The 7 Annual Sacred Feasts of the Old Covenant there are other feasts that are. The burnt offering Leviticus 1. Old Testament Sacrifices all animals were to be without blemish NameRef.
71134 the sin offering Leviticus 4.
Recipes for Cookies Cupcakes and More Add Comment Maid To Be Filled Edit. Verse 12 states clearly that the Old Testament blood sacrifices were only temporary and only atoned for sin partially and for a short time hence the need to annually repeat the sacrifices. SACRIFICE IN THE OLD TESTAMENT 3. Sin offering guilt offering fellowship offering 1 Sin offering.